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6 Cs of Culture: Communication

What makes an exceptional organizational culture? 

The truth is that every workplace will have its own character that reflects the shared vision and values as well as the people who are part of it. In addition to these elements, there are a few fundamentals (aka the 6 Cs of Culture) that also contribute to the ethos of every organization.  

As featured in our Culture Fitness Toolkit [1], they include: 

For the next six weeks, my colleagues and I will share more about the impact each C has on a workplace with the aim to help leaders recognize how they come to life in a high-performing environment. To get things started, I’m exploring Communication. 

What Is the Impact of Communication? 

Culture is often described as the shared attitudes, beliefs and behaviors [2] of an organization. It encompasses the personality of the place of business and the way that employees interact [3] internally and externally. When considering these definitions, it becomes clear that communication is integral. After all, how can anything be shared or agreed upon if it is not spoken about, written about and collectively understood? 

When individuals are aware of the common goals they are trying to achieve and the behaviors expected of themselves and others, it empowers personnel to work more effectually, and it ensures teams are aligned on their target outcomes. One report from McKinsey [4] even found that effective communication can drive a 20 – 25% productivity increase.  

Establishing a workspace where everyone feels informed and encouraged to articulate their perspectives also supports engagement. In fact, 85% of employees [5] report that they are most motivated when management provides regular updates on company news, and staff are 4.6 times more likely [5] to feel invested in doing their best work when their voices are heard. With positive two-way communication, businesses can build better cultures and see powerful results. 

What Does Effective Communication Look Like? 

When information flows freely, executives and the broader workforce will be able to consistently affirm 10 sentiments: 

#1 – Leaders and managers provide frequent, reliable updates about company performance, initiatives and progress. 

#2 – Employees understand the goals of their organization and teams. 

#3 – Staff members know what is expected of them as well as how their actions and tasks contribute to the bigger picture. 

#4 – The entire workforce is transparent and honest about wins, losses and opportunities for improvement. 

#5 – Personnel at all levels can share their concerns and questions without fear and know they will be heard. 

#6 – Feedback is a two-way street with all staff being encouraged to offer constructive and positive input across levels. 

#7 – Mechanisms exist to proactively seek employees’ thoughts and perspectives on workplace practices and objectives. 

#8 – The beliefs and ideas of others are met with respect and curiosity – even when they may be different from the norm. 

#9 – Conversation and feedback are handled with both candor and empathy. 

#10 – Leadership and employee actions match their words. 

One Tip to Consider for Exceptional Communication 

From our work at Emergenetics [6], we know that the way individuals prefer to give and receive information will vary. To support the entire employee base, inspire the workforce with a Whole Emergenetics Approach (WEapproach). A WEapproach helps people proactively consider how to convey their message in a way that speaks to individuals’ preferences for Thinking and Behaving. 

To apply this idea, encourage employees to express:  

It’s also important to consider the way the content will be delivered including: 

Emergenetics Associates – For more tips, first login into Emergenetics+. [7] Then click here to access the Attributes in Action Guides [8] and share them with executives, managers and employees to help them adapt their messages to the specific Profiles of the individuals and groups they are connecting with! 

The guidelines above can help anyone honor the different ways that individuals prefer to receive information. As a result, the workforce will feel more informed and engaged because their burning questions have been addressed.  

Providing tools and training to empower staff with the knowledge to effectively convey messages serves as a great first step to establishing a culture of communication where conversation and ideas can flow freely. I invite you to download our Culture Fitness Toolkit, which delivers a host of recommendations and resources, to inspire your next steps in strengthening any of the 6 Cs. 

Culture Fitness [1]

Download our toolkit today [1] or fill out the form below to speak with one of our team members about how Emergenetics can advance communication in your company or school!