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How to Make Your Personal Blind Spots Work for You

A company may have the most advanced technology and the best product in the market, but it is essentially the people within the firm that make it great. Hiring the right fit in itself is challenging, and the process doesn’t end once that person is appointed. Engaging the hired talent, together with building on their strengths and overcoming their personal blind spots [1] are all part and parcel of the process of talent development which in turn, affects talent retention.

We all know that focusing on people’s strengths has a positive effect on morale and performance. But have we considered the angle of going overboard, and causing negative side-effects? Consider the following:

On the flipside, blind spots shouldn’t always have a negative connotation to it. They should be included in the self-awareness and development process. Acknowledging that every strength has a blind spot is essential in self-improvement and is the fundamental step to advancement.

Here are some ways that I believe acknowledging strengths and personal blind spots can be beneficial:

We all have individual strengths and personal blind spots, and there are many ways to make them work for us rather than against us. Don’t be afraid to discover yours and embrace them.

Here at Emergenetics, we are proud to have Whole Emergenetics Teams [2] (WEteams™), where we appreciate each strength and blind spot, and bring out the best in one another. The results include having happier and more productive teams where we help in the development of unique talents.