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Your Emergenetics Profile & Your Favorite Super Bowl Ad

As the Super Bowl parade honoring the Denver Broncos winds its way through downtown, we’d like to say Congratulations to our hometown Denver Broncos for winning Super Bowl 50! Even if you weren’t rooting for the Denver Broncos, you probably watched at least a few of the commercials. We thought it would be worthwhile to look at how our Emergenetics Profiles can play a role in determining our favorite Super Bowl commercial.

The previous few years, the ‘winning’ commercials have focused on empathy, collaboration and really pulled on our Social Preference. This year, many commercials took a different turn. By in large, many commercials appealed to our Conceptual Preference. Whether you enjoyed them, or frankly were a little creeped out by them, Yellow reigned supreme.

Many commented that the commercials fell a little bit flat this year. One Emergenetics staffer said, “My red was embarrassed by the weak commercials, my green was puzzled by the lack of relevance and my blue was perturbed by the waste of money on the not memorable spots!” While Mountain Dew’s Puppy/Monkey/Baby certainly was memorable, it didn’t make the list of favorites due to it being just on the scary side of strange.

We asked the staff at Emergenetics International to weigh in on their favorite Super Bowl commercials and then asked if how their picks revealed their own unique Emergenetics Profile.

Office Favorites

Doritos Ultrasound [1]: This appealed to a few different thinking and behavioral preferences. The Blue Brain liked that it was getting to the point. Baby wants Doritos, baby gets Doritos. The baby also happened to get the Dorito in a very 3/3 Assertive way! It was bizarre and strange but that could have been what appealed to the Yellow Brain as well!

Honda Singing Sheep [2]: What’s not to love about some sheep singing a beloved Queen song? This also appealed to the Yellow Brain in both picturing talking, or rather singing, farm animals and the way animals are usually way ahead of the humans in their lives. This also appealed to the Red Brain based on song choice of, “Somebody to Love.”

Snickers Marilyn Monroe [3]: Conceptually, it was totally in the wheelhouse to cast a world weary, not classically handsome man as the “not you when you are hungry” Marilyn Monroe.

Heinz Weiner Dogs [4]: Appealing to our Social Brain, what’s not to love about cute Weiner dogs, running in slow-motion, towards their favorite condiment! Add in a classic song from the 1970s and instant classic!

Audi R8 Commander [5]: “This ad started in Red and 1st/3rd of both Expressiveness and Assertiveness…a unique relationship between father and son. The son understands what thrill and excitement his Audi R8 brings him everyday, and recognizes he can give that back to his dad, the ex-astronaut. David Bowie drops, the engine roars, the scales move to the 3rd/3rd as they speed through the roads, guaranteed chills! The ad finishes off with a clear blue/green 205mph value statement. Nothing left to the imagination.” – Emergenetics Team Member with a Blue/Green/Red 223 Profile.

Hyundai First Date with Kevin Hart [6]: It played to the Red brain with a new gentleman caller coming into daddy’s little girl’s life. The dad knows exactly what will happen on the date and keeps an eye on his daughter. “I can totally relate and feel empathetic towards the couple on a date,” mentioned a member of Emergenetic’s Business Development Team.


What were some of your favorite commercials from the big game? Did you favorites appeal to your Conceptual Brain or did you miss the Red-ness of years past? We encourage you to reflect on your favorites and see how they reveal your own Emergenetics Profile.